Click on the image to get detailed view. Readings are in CPM using GM-45 Radiation Detector. (device not certified) Graph refresh time: 4 min.
Looking at the past data that this GM-45 counter collected, reading under 100 CPM are normal for this geographical location. (100 CPM is about 1 microsievert per hour) Monitoring unit is located next to a single glass window in basement.
(Geiger Counter) GM-45 technical specifications:
Window: Mica, 1.75 mg/cm2 1.75 inch / 44.5 mm diameter
Radiation detected: Alpha - Above 3 MeV
Beta - Above 50 keV
Gamma / X-Ray - Above 7 keV
GM-45 connected to a Mac Mini running RAD for OSX
Since we moved to Tarrytown few years ago we decided to buy a radiation detector, Indian Point Power Plant is located 15 miles from us.
Radiation Monitoring Networks:
Link to Google page showing other Ionizing Radiation Detectors in USA.
Link to another community driven Radiation network in USA.
GM-45 was offline from April 1 to April 3 script that uploads the image to the web server stopped working, it’s fixed now.
Stay happy stay safe!