Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Radiation Trajectories from Fukushima

These radiation trajectories were calculated using the NOAA HYSPLIT model - University of Maryland.


Personal visit to Fukushima with a Geiger counter

Two guys from Japan decided to visit Fukushima with Geiger counters and a GPS. When they got to the Fukushima Nuclear Plant radiation was over 100 microsieverts.


Daily Fukushima updates

Daily updates on the crippled Fukushima Nuclear Plant by Fairewinds.


Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Live Camera

Fukushima Daiichi I Nuclear Power Plant Live 24 Hour Camera.
Live 24 hour video feed from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

Looks as the video camera updates every five minutes.

Radioactivity and radiation information - Japan

- Realtime radiation data collected via the System for Prediction of Environment Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI) Government source, may be little off...

People in Japan getting Geiger counters and setting up a private networks to monitor situation,
click here

Interactive Map of Japan with radiation data, click here

Another community driven radiation network just got turned on in Japan,
click here
